Domains with extension .world

Register or transfer your domain .world in less than 5 minutes


Included with your new .world domain you will get

DNS Management Name Server Management
Hosting purchase Mail boxes purchase
Redirect feature Change holder data


25 ,60
+ VAT /year
Reseller up to
23 ,04 + VAT /year

Choose the .WORLD extension and use it however you like - it's extremely versatile.

Some suggestions? Communicate that your company is international, build your e-commerce on a large scale, use it if you have a travel agency or if you are a tour guide.

Communicate your passions to everyone and expand your business by registering the .WORLD domain!

Transfer and renewal prices


31 ,80
+ VAT /year


31 ,80
+ VAT /year

Requirements and limitations

No special restrictions or requirements


  • Domains of 1 to 63 characters can be registered
  • Dashes are allowed (ex.: -)
  • Numbers are allowed (0-9)