
Web Server LAMP

A WEB Server Dedicated to your project

Thanks to this template you will be able to develop and manage web applications and software. Our experts have developed an optimal template, which adapts the server to host various websites developed with the major CMSs on the market.
This configuration allows web developers and web designers to operate in an environment specially designed and optimized to create and host blogs, forums and websites but also online shops and professional ecommerce, thanks to PrestaShop, Magento.

WAF Modsecurity
Custom libraries installation
MultiPHP 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2
Mod Evasive
Support for WP, JM, PR
Let's Encrypt (Certbot) support
Weekly server backup included
Accesso SSH full root

Available on operating systems: Debian 10/11/12, Centos 9, Ubuntu 20

Which Cloud Server is suitable for my project?

Based on your needs, we recommend the most suitable Cloud Server, to match the LAMP template already included in the monthly cost!

STD Starter
vCPU: 1 core
HD: 20 GB
5 ,70 + VAT /month
STD Basic
vCPU: 2 core
HD: 40 GB
15 ,40 + VAT /month

Additional services

Improve the performance of your application thanks to the additional services to be combined with your Server.
Choose the most suitable for your needs!